just when you thought you had seen it all from the vans back catalogue, you are pleasantly surprised by a hitherto unseen diamond in the golden roughage.
now you may have seen some modern vault incarnations however often with the attention to detail defecit disorder & lack of workmanship of the aforementioned diamond. style #79 is a classic chukka boot however this time without the trademark padded collar & instead felt. now i heart felt. it evokes heartfelt memories of 1979. the year i first felt felt. it is a touching cloth. #79 is so excitable. #79 is always touching cloth.
#79 has all the trimmings. #79 is always lined.... & at the same time by necessity, touching cloth.
as such style #79 with it's felt trim & lining is the ideal modern personal autumnal accompaniment in white collar & blue collar work. either awe. #79 will always retain heat!now you may have seen some modern vault incarnations however often with the attention to detail defecit disorder & lack of workmanship of the aforementioned diamond. style #79 is a classic chukka boot however this time without the trademark padded collar & instead felt. now i heart felt. it evokes heartfelt memories of 1979. the year i first felt felt. it is a touching cloth. #79 is so excitable. #79 is always touching cloth.
#79 has all the trimmings. #79 is always lined.... & at the same time by necessity, touching cloth.

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